The Royal Black Watch



This is a list of the possible awards that can be issued to members playing Elvenar.

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Elevnar Master Award
Given to any member that exceeds over 300K city score in Elevnar while a member of the guild
Elevnar Build Award
Given to a member that exceeds 200K city score in Elevnar while a member of the watch.
Elvenar Commander Award
Given to any member that exceeds 100K city score in Elevnar while a member of the guild
Elevnar Warrior Award
Given to any member that exceeds 20K for a city score while in the guild
Elvenar Helper Award
Given to the member that has the highest score for the last 90 days in Elevnar. This is taken by the GM in-game and awarded. This is the overall summation of the scores that are put out on the weekly report.