This is a list of the possible ranks that can be issued to members, order from highest rank at the top, to lowest rank at the bottom.
 | The Colonel is currently the highest rank in the Royal Black Watch, usually reserved for the Regiment Commander and Regiment Deputy Commanding Officer. If the man has an eagle on his sleeve, you need to pay attention because he has been around for a long time. Any Colonel, upon retirement, retains the privilege to advise the next Regiment Commander. They may also be invited to return for official ceremonies, to conduct official inspections, and to publicly review the progress of the unit through official communications channels. The Regiment Commander (RCO) position is filled by a Colonel who is considered the most senior officer in the Royal Black Watch. |
 | Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Lieutenant Colonel is the rank held by the most senior officers in the Watch. Most Lt Colonels have been around for an excessive number of years and know the workings of the Watch inside and out. Most officers will spend a long time at Lieutenant Colonel; however, those truly deserving may be promoted to Colonel after 48 months. A Lt Colonel may be promoted to Colonel by selection of the Regiment Commander. At the Regiment Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |
 | Major is the rank often held by senior officers at headquarters level. Most officers will spend a long time at Major; however, those truly deserving may be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel after 48 months. At the Regiment Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |
 | Captain is the rank of some senior Company Commanders and many headquarter staff positions. They are the front line officers, generally leading out where they get the most visibility. A Captain in good standing may be promoted to Major 24 months after their date of rank. At the Regiment Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |
 | A Lieutenant in good standing may be promoted to Captain 18 months after their date of rank. At the Regiment Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |
 | Second Lieutenant rank is used for an up-to 12 month evaluation of any new officer in a Command or Senior Staff slot and is the lowest of the officer ranks. At the Regiment Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened due to merit. |
 | Sergeant Major is the highest enlisted rank in the Watch, and only those of the utmost character may ever attain the rank of SM.
(Not to be confused with the position Command Sergeant Major.) |
 | Sergeant First Class (SFC) This is the highest enlisted rank possible to attain by one's own merits in one's company. A SFC should be well-versed in the game that they play and be a subject knowledge expert. To attain any higher, a SFC must present an astounding image to the guild as a whole.A Sergeant First Class in good standing may be promoted to Sergeant Major 180 days after their date of rank. At the Company Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |
 | Staff Sergeant is the first rank in the senior NCO tier, this is where your ground pounder and basic line troop leaders will reside. Most company positions require the member to have the rank of Staff Sergeant before they may be placed in the position. A Staff Sergeant in good standing may be promoted to Sergeant First Class 180 days after their date of rank. Those who show their worth may become a Sergeant First Class, which is the highest enlisted rank one may attain on their own. At the Company Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |
 | Sergeant is the rank where most members of the Watch will spend their entire career. This is the rank for those who have proven themselves time and again but do not desire greater leadership responsibility. Those who are persevering, however, may reach for and attain greater goals, some even earning a promotion to the next higher enlisted tier of senior non-commissioned officers (NCO) or, with approval from the Regiment Commander, attaining the right to become an officer. Sergeants are evaluated every 90 days for potential promotions. |
 | Corporal is emblematic of a member who is experienced in the Watch. Most Corporals remain at this rank for up to 90 days and then they are eligible to become a Sergeant of the Watch. Most Corporals will be promoted automatically after 90 days unless there are outstanding issues. At the Company Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |
 | Private First Class (PFC) Private First Class is the second lowest full member rank within the Watch. Unless there are outstanding reasons, the PFC will be promoted to CPL automatically after 45 days. At the Company Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |
 | Private is the lowest full member rank within the Watch. Newly promoted Privates normally spend 45 days at this rank. Unless there are outstanding reasons, the Private will be promoted to PFC automatically. The Company Commander may promote the Private before the 45 days meritoriously. |
 | All new members must start at Recruit and remain there for 30 days while their behavior and attitude is evaluated. Once a Recruit has proven them self to be Royal Black Watch material they are promoted to the rank of Private. At the Company Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit. |