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Kirelys GoodlightKirelys Goodlight
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NeverwinterSergeant Major (SM)Event Coordinator
 [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [*]  [4th]  [EMA]  [EBA]  [ECA]  [EWA]  [EHA]  [5VRA]  [CA]  [GCM]  [*]
ElvenarSergeant First Class (SFC)Event Coordinator
Natalya Wrynn
 [ELA]  [EFA]  [1st]  [ESFA]  [EMAT]  [2nd]  [5VRA]  [GCM]  [*]  [EPA]  [EMCA]  [ECA]
Star Wars: The Old Republic Elder Scrolls OnlineSergeant First Class (SFC)Event Coordinator
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [10VRA]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [15VRA]  [GCM]  [EMAT]  [EPA]  [ECA]  [EFA]
Elder Scrolls OnlineStaff Sergeant (SSG)Recruiter
Northern Norm
 [1st]  [GCM]
ElvenarSergeant (SGT)Recruiter
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [STFH]  [FITD]  [SIH]  [PP]  [IBB]  [DB]  [FFC]  [GIMB]  [HOTD]  [DA]  [*]  [DSM]  [*]  [5VRA]  [*]  [MTS]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [DE]  [STBP]  [BTB]  [JC]  [*]  [ESFA]  [10VRA]  [15VRA]  [GCM]  [CA]  [CM]
Lord of the Rings Online Star Wars: The Old Republic Dungeons and Dragons Online World of Tanks 7 Days to Die Tera EVE Online Path of Exile Final Fantasy XIV Elder Scrolls Online Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Genshin Impact Elite: Dangerous BattletechMajor (MAJ)Campfire Scout
 [*]  [2nd]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [ELA]  [EFA]  [*]  [ESFA]  [ELA]  [EMCA]  [ELA]  [10VRA]  [GCM]  [*]  [*]  [EMAT]  [EPA]  [ECA]  [GW2DD]  [GW2DE]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [SBC]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [AA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]
World of Tanks Role-Play Storytelling Neverwinter Star Wars: The Old Republic Star Trek Online Lord of the Rings Online Diablo III Defiance Armored Warfare 7 Days to Die Elder Scrolls Online Guild Wars 2 Rift Company of Heroes EVE Online Neverwinter Nights 2 Path of Exile StarCraft 2 Final Fantasy XIV Warframe Heroes of the Storm Elvenar Albion Online Company of Heroes 2 Conan Exiles World of Warships Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard New WorldCaptain (CPT)Campfire Scout
 [*]  [MSM]  [CA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [15VRA]
Lord of the Rings Online Star Wars: The Old Republic Destiny 2Major (MAJ)Way-station Captain
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [RATE]  [GW2F]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [*]  [*]  [EFA]  [ESFA]  [10VRA]  [CA]  [GCM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]
Lord of the Rings Online Guild Wars Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild Wars 2 Company of Heroes 2 Elder Scrolls Online Mass Effect 3Major (MAJ)Outpost Master
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [AV]  [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [10VRA]
Lord of the Rings OnlineMajor (MAJ)Outpost Master
 [CA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GW2F]  [*]  [GW2A]  [CFT]  [GW2RD]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [15VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GCM]  [EFA]  [ESFA]  [*]  [*]  [*]
Star Trek Online Neverwinter Legends Of Aria Diablo III Elder Scrolls Online Albion Online Armored Warfare Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Raid Shadow Legands New World World of WarshipsLieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)Keep Lord
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GW2F]  [*]  [DSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GCM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [AA]  [OTS]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]
Guild Wars Dungeons and Dragons Online Star Trek Online Star Wars: The Old Republic World of Tanks Diablo III World of Warcraft Company of Heroes StarCraft 2 World of Planes Lord of the Rings Online Mechwarrior Online World of Warships Rift Guild Wars 2 Planetside 2 Mass Effect 3 Wizardry Online Neverwinter Defiance EverQuest 2 Star Citizen [] Path of Exile Role-Play Storytelling Rust Elder Scrolls Online Star Wars Galaxies (EMU) 7 Days to Die Destiny 2 Age of Conan Tabletop D&D: Greyhawk (Changing of the Guard) Albion Online Dragon Age Inquisition Armored Warfare World of Warcraft Classic Tom Clancy's The Division 2 New World Diablo IVLieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)Keep Lord
 [ELA]  [ESFA]  [TFT]  [EMCA]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [*]  [GCM]  [ECA]  [ESFA]  [CA]  [*]  [ETFA]  [DSM]  [*]  [EMAT]  [EPA]
Elder Scrolls OnlineCaptain (CPT)Keep Lord
 [ELA]  [ESFA]  [TFT]  [EMCA]  [ECA]  [ELA]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [EMAT]  [GCM]  [*]  [ETFA]  [EPA]
Elder Scrolls OnlineSecond Lieutenant (2LT)Keep Lord
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [MSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GW2A]  [CFT]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [EFA]  [ESFA]
Lord of the Rings Online Star Trek Online Guild Wars Star Wars: The Old Republic World of Tanks World of Warcraft Neverwinter Elder Scrolls Online Armored Warfare World of WarshipsCaptain (CPT)Steam Officer
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [2nd]  [1st]  [3rd]  [4th]  [GCM]  [5VRA]
Star Trek OnlineSergeant First Class (SFC)Server Adminstrator
 [1st]  [2nd]
Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Elder Scrolls OnlineStaff Sergeant (SSG)Server Adminstrator
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*] [*]  [EFA]  [ESFA]  [*]
Star Wars: The Old Republic Rift Neverwinter Elder Scrolls Online Legends Of Aria Albion Online Raid Shadow Legands World of Warcraft Classic Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Diablo ImmortalSergeant Major (SM)Personnel Actions Officer
Frehley StarchildFrehley Starchild
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [CA]  [5VRA]
Sergeant First Class (SFC)Knight of the Candle
Moordoom de DarkholdMoordoom de Darkhold
 [MSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [WCFA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GCM]  [10VRA]  [*]  [MSM]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [15VRA]  [EFA]  [ESFA]
Minecraft Elder Scrolls OnlineColonel (COL)Knight of the Sword
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [CA]  [5VRA]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [10VRA]
Lord of the Rings Online Marvel HeroesLieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)Knight of the Sword
 [DSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [10VRA]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA] [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*] [*]  [*]
Neverwinter Star Trek OnlineLieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)Knight of the Sword
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [GCM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [10VRA]  [CA]  [*]  [MOH]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [CA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [15VRA]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [*]
Rift World of WarcraftLieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)Knight of the Dove
 [*]  [*]  [WOPA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [CA]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [*]  [10VRA]  [*]  [GCM]  [EFA]  [ECA]  [ELA]  [ESFA]
Star Trek Online Rift Star Wars: The Old Republic Lord of the Rings Online Guild Wars 2 Neverwinter EverQuest 2 DC Universe Online Elder Scrolls Online Wildstar Marvel Heroes Skyforge World of Warcraft Final Fantasy XIV Diablo III Raid Shadow Legands World of Warcraft Classic New WorldLieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)Knight of the Dove
 [DSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [3rd]  [1st]  [2nd]  [4th]  [DSM]  [GCM]  [5VRA]  [EFA]  [ESFA]
Lord of the Rings Online Elder Scrolls OnlineCaptain (CPT)Knight of the Dove
Cleric TheobaldCleric Theobald
 [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GCM]
Battletech Role-Play Storytelling Star Wars: The Old Republic Mechwarrior Online Tabletop D&D: Forgotten Realms (Campaign of Blood: Sarceriss) Mass Effect 3 Elder Scrolls OnlineCaptain (CPT)Loremaster
 [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [*]  [10VRA]  [DSM]  [TFT]  [ELA]  [ESFA]  [DSM]  [TFT]  [ELA]
Neverwinter Diablo III Anthem Raid Shadow Legands Animal Crossing: New Horizons Elder Scrolls OnlineMajor (MAJ)Discord Officer
Kianne CassidyKianne Cassidy
 [*]  [MSM]  [CA]  [MSM]  [*]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [DSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GW2A]  [STFH]  [FITD]  [GIMB]  [HOTD]  [SIH]  [PP]  [DA]  [*]  [FFC]  [IBB]  [*]  [*]  [MTS]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [DE]  [STBP]  [BTB]  [15VRA]  [*]  [*]  [GCM]  [TFT]  [DSM]  [TFT]
Dungeons and Dragons Online Star Trek Online Guild Wars Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild Wars 2 World of Warcraft Rift Neverwinter Elder Scrolls Online Elvenar Legends Of Aria Albion Online Genshin ImpactColonel (COL)Website Administrator
Lili BirchflowerLili Birchflower
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [RATE]  [GW2F]  [*]  [GW2RD]  [GW2RM]  [*]  [GW2A]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [PP]  [HOTD]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [DA]  [*]  [*]  [3rd]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [*]  [DSM]  [4th]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [DSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [5VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GCM]  [EFA]  [EPA]  [TFT]  [ESFA]  [RSLFA]
Guild Wars Lord of the Rings Online Star Trek Online Dungeons and Dragons Online Rift Guild Wars 2 World of Tanks Star Wars: The Old Republic DC Universe Online Neverwinter World of Planes Diablo III EverQuest 2 Planetside 2 [] Path of Exile Rusty Hearts Warframe Skyforge Armored Warfare Elder Scrolls Online World of Warships Tabletop D&D: Forgotten Realms (Campaign of Blood: Sarceriss) Role-Play Storytelling Albion Online Raid Shadow Legands Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Destiny 2Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)Adjutant
 [*]  [RATE]  [GW2F]  [*]  [GW2RD]  [GW2RM]  [GW2A]  [CFT]  [DC]  [GW2RS]  [MSM]  [GW2GFR]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [2nd]  [*]  [1st]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [3rd]  [*]  [4th]  [*]  [GCM]  [5VRA]  [ELA]  [ESFA]  [RSLFA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]
Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild Wars 2 World of Tanks Neverwinter Lord of the Rings Online Diablo III Guild Wars Star Trek Online EverQuest 2 DC Universe Online Skyforge Warframe Armored Warfare Elvenar Elder Scrolls Online Albion Online Raid Shadow Legands Diablo ImmortalCaptain (CPT)Warden
 [MSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [WCFA]  [W2SA]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [15VRA]  [*]  [*] [*]  [*]  [*] [*]  [*]  [*] [*]  [EFA]  [ESFA]  [DSM]  [RSLFA]  [*]  [DSM]  [*]  [*]  [*] [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*] [*]  [*] [*]  [*]  [*] [*]  [*] [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*]  [*] [*] [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [TFT]  [CA]  [GCM]  [ETFA]  [EPA]  [EMCA]  [ECA]  [ELA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*] [*] [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [RCA4]  [RCA2]  [RCA]  [GPA]  [SPA]  [BPA]  [DIF]  [DIS]  [DI4]
Star Wars: The Old Republic Neverwinter Elder Scrolls Online Legends Of Aria Elvenar World of Warcraft Albion Online Raid Shadow Legands World of Warcraft Classic Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Diablo Immortal Guild Wars 2Colonel (COL)Deputy Regiment Commander (DCO)
 [*]  [RATE]  [GW2F]  [*]  [GW2RD]  [GW2RM]  [CFT]  [DC]  [GW2RS]  [MSM]  [GW2GFR]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GW2A]  [*]  [*]  [DSM]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [2nd]  [*]  [1st]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [3rd]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [4th]  [*]  [*]  [GCM]  [EFA]  [ESFA]  [ELA]  [RSLFA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]
World of Warcraft Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild Wars 2 Star Trek Online Guild Wars Rift World of Tanks Lord of the Rings Online Diablo III Dungeons and Dragons Online Neverwinter EverQuest 2 Planetside 2 DC Universe Online Path of Exile Elder Scrolls Online Hearthstone Warframe Marvel Heroes Skyforge Armored Warfare Elvenar Albion Online Raid Shadow Legands Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Diablo Immortal Ark: Survival EvolvedColonel (COL)Deputy Regiment Commander (DCO)
Connor Altinus McleodConnor Altinus Mcleod
 [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [MSM]  [*]  [*]  [10VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [WOPA]  [W2SA]  [WCFA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [GW2F]  [*]  [RATE]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [HOTD]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [1st]  [2nd]  [3rd]  [4th]  [5VRA]  [15VRA]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [*]  [EFA]  [ECA]  [EPA]  [TFT]  [ESFA]  [*]  [RSLFA]  [ELA]
Dungeons and Dragons Online World of Warcraft Star Wars: The Old Republic Lord of the Rings Online Star Trek Online StarCraft 2 Guild Wars Rift World of Tanks Guild Wars 2 Neverwinter Defiance EverQuest 2 Path of Exile DC Universe Online Star Citizen Hearthstone Elder Scrolls Online Star Wars Galaxies (EMU) Dragon Age Inquisition Wildstar Warframe Marvel Heroes World of Warships Armored Warfare Overwatch Role-Play Storytelling Diablo III Elvenar Legends Of Aria Battletech Conan Exiles Pathfinder Kingmaker Black Desert Online Anthem Albion Online War Rock Ultima Online Shadow Lands Neverwinter Nights Raid Shadow Legands World of Warcraft Classic Ultima Online Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Baldur's Gate 3 AFK Arena Star Trek: Fleet Command Genshin Impact New World Diablo Immortal Diablo IVColonel (COL)Regiment Commander (RCO)