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(NW) Stronghold Dragon Flight
Event Name: (NW) Stronghold Dragon Flight
Date: August 11, 2024
Time: 7:30pm
Your time zone is: America/New York (GMT-04:00) (DST)
This event has passed.
Duration: 1 hour
Frequency: Weekly (Recurring)
Group: (None)
Game: Neverwinter
Organizer: Mistina
  • Public

This event was scheduled for August 11, 2024 at 7:30pm (DST) in time zone: America/New York (GMT-04:00).

Dragonflight is BACK!!!***

We sometimes do an influence run for the first 15-30 minutes. We then catch the free Dragonflight at half past the hour, and then do additional rounds of Dragonflight with Golden Bells. Then, depending on the turnout, we do a raffle and give away some awesome prizes!

Note that time zones change, so it's best to calculate your current time zone based on 6:30 pm Central Time or 7:30 pm Eastern Time.