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Forgotten Password
- Dr. Doofenschmurz (Phineas and Ferb)

Using this form will generate a key that will allow you to change your password, which will be mailed to the email address on your profile (assuming you filled it in). Note that because it is not possible to retrieve passwords once they are stored, this process will require you to select a new password.

If you never filled in an email address to your profile, or the email address is incorrect or cannot receive mail, or if you can no longer access the email account that is on your profile, you cannot use this form. You would need to contact an officer.

You may request your password by your login name or your character name (this is the full name that you see in the member lists and on the profile itself). You may only request a password once per day. If you are requesting your password with your character name, you can only send the request once per week.

Request Password
Request Method: