Positions | - Captain Dan Allard (BattleTech) |
The Royal Black Watch is organized into the following positions. Each member is assigned a position, and that position determines what sort of responsibilities the member has.
This list can help you to understand how the guild is organized. Also, if you have an issue or a question about a particular aspect of the guild, this list can help you to find an officer that is in a position to assist you.
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![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Responsible for the Watch overall. Strives for excellence in the Watch. Decides all regimental policies. Guides the Regiment. Looks to the interests of all members. Forges alliances with other organizations. Coordinates the relations of the Regiment as a whole. Offers guidance and direction as well as support to officers of the Watch. Reviews and administers all tasks in the Watch. Reviews all officers and non-commissioned officers. Also referred to as the RCO or the Guildmaster. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Second in command of the Royal Black Watch Regiment, also referred to as the DCO. Serves as the Regiment Commander's back-up. Must be active in 50% of the games that the Watch currently plays and have served as a Company Commander. The intent of this position is to allow both the Company Commanders and the Regiment Commander a bridge in the different games when the RCO is out. When the RCO is in, these two officers will coordinate schedules when events occur on the same night to allow attendance. The DCO is also responsible for officer training. The Deputy Commanding Officer also stands in for a company's Company Commander in his/her absence.Responsible for setting up and maintaining the Royal Black Watch forums and for the administration of the forums with respect to changing sections and setting up and archiving forums. Responsible for setting up and maintaining the RBW emails for each member upon request and addressing issues with the email communication system overall. Ensures that members are set to the correct position on the guild TeamSpeak server and maintains the RBW files section. Approves the quotes in the RBW quotes database. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Wardens are direct representatives of the Commander. They act on behalf of the guild and can perform most duties of the watch. They span many games and work directly for the RCO and DCO. A Warden should be treated as the most senior member in a game below the RCO and DCO | |
![]() | (Staff Officers Position) Works for the Regiment Commander. Administers the staff. Works to ensure that all commitments of the staff are met by tracking projects in progress. Works with both other Regiments and other gaming systems. Advises the Regiment Commander. Chief policy reviewer of the Regiment. Maintains and edits the RBW SOP once a year. He/she instructs others on how to use our website and other media functions, creates a presence in social media environments (Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, etc.). Schedules a guild-wide meeting each month with all members who attend. Track real life get-togethers as they occur and ensures that all members are informed as the events are proposed and promoted. Discovers and discusses any issues brought by members and tracks those issues to resolution within the guild to ensure that the lowest level issue is addressed. Random selection of members from each company once a month just to find out about any issues within a company. | |
![]() | (Staff Officers Position) Deals with all news and websites for the Regiment. Updates and maintains all Regiment information services. Maintains the unit website. Designs a complete profile of the unit. Maintains the unit's online history. Maintains the application for requesting to join the Watch. Administers the unit skins and changes to the Watch website. | |
![]() | (Staff Officers Position) This officer manages the roles on the Discord server, matching every Watcher's rank on the roster to the corresponding on Discord. He/she also maintains the various channels and fields any requests. | |
![]() | (Staff Officers Position) Ensures that role-play interaction is encouraged and RP Awards are given. Appoints Dungeon Masters within the Role-play company to run VTT (virtual tabletop) campaigns, maintains a running list of campaigns, administers the RBW Library. Edits the role-plays in the forums into readable stories of the Watch to ensure that our history is not lost in the many years that we have been and shall be. Maintains a weekly role-play story in the Watch forums in an interactive play-by-post format. | |
![]() | (Honorary Position) The Knight of the Star is the highest lifetime honor that the Royal Black Watch can be bestow upon its members. To become one of the 50 Knights of the Star means that this member's entire tenure in the RBW has been filled with many instances of advancing the Guild in every conceivable way through their actions. At no time has this member conducted themselves in any manner other than that which would befit both nobility and honor. The Knight of the Star includes all the other aspects of the Order as this is the culmination of the three branches melding into one. The Knights of the Star meet at least once a quarter and provide guidance to the RBW in the form of policy changes and procedures to benefit the Guild. Though they do not wield command influence, the Knight of the Star's opinion should be highly regarded by all. This Honor is awarded from within the Order of Knights. | |
![]() | (Honorary Position) This is a lifetime honor given to the members of the Watch who devote themselves to the peace and unity of the Royal Black Watch. These members are the voices of stability in all actions, and usually this order is propagated by the members of the Watch who are adept at administrative tasks - artists, staff officers, and leaders who etch their very essence into their production for all history to pass judgment upon. A Knight of the Dove will be renowned as their work will be reviewed by the hardiest soldiers and philosophers throughout the annals of time. | |
![]() | (Honorary Position) The Order of the Sword honors those warriors who shown repeated bravery and adherence to the tenants of the Royal Black Watch while in combat. These Knights are known for their ability with blade, sword and all the weapons that the Watch may wield, their martial prowess unmatched. These Knights lead warriors in combat and bring them out again, whole and more experienced. A Knight of the Sword should be respected and adhered to during battles, raids and other martial aspects of the land in which they so readily trained. | |
![]() | (Honorary Position) The Knight of the Candle is for administrators who significantly improve the bureaucracy of the Royal Black Watch or who expose corruption. The Knights of the Candle are charged with seeking those who attempt to subvert or disparage the Guild as a whole. The selection of a Knight of the Candle is an acknowledgment of the utmost trust as this Knight will come directly to the leader of the Guild with a complete investigation of any issue between the Royal Black Watch and any other Guild or Order. Consummate diplomats, the Knights of the Candle may often be the first face presented to a new Guild or Order. | |
![]() | (Staff Officers Position) Updates all in-game and website rosters for the watch. Sends in-game emails requesting recommendations for promotions from the members and forwards an update for the leadership with recommended promotions at least 7 days prior to the officers meeting of that month. Executes overdue automatic promotions in the game or on the roster. Ensures that roster ranks match in the game and out of game making the determination based on the highest rank recorded. | |
![]() | (Staff Officers Position) Administers the RBW server and ensures that it remains stable, updated, and in good working order. Assists the Website Administrator with server configuration. He/she reports to the Adjutant. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Responsible for administering the RBW Steam Group adding members and advising of the changes within steam. Conducts the Monthly Steam Game Raffle and posts at least once a month a steam update letting members know how to get to the group. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) The Media officer coordinates with the Discord, Forums, and Social Media officers to ensure the lines of communication between the Watch and the rest of the world stay clear. He/she may step into any of those positions temporarily as needed and is considered a Team Leader. Reports to the Adjutant. Adjutant. | |
![]() | (Staff Officers Position) Maintains the games list monthly. Adds games to the Watch on the request of a member and is responsible for updating games as new patches come out. Adding races, classes and all games information to the profile is the task of this officer. This update will occur on the last day of the month. | |
![]() | (Staff Officers Position) Prepares and produces guild art as needed for the website and other needed areas. Works with the Website Administrator. Reports to the Adjutant. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Acts as a specific leader in their game. These members coordinate the efforts of the officers below them and make recommendations for new officers of the Watch to the Regiment Commander or Deputy Commanding Officer. They have the direct capability to make in-game changes and then have them verified by the guild master at a later date. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Acts as a specific leader in their game. These members coordinate the efforts of the officers below them and make recommendations for new officers of the Watch to the Regiment Commander or Deputy Commanding Officer. They have the direct capability to make in-game changes and then have them verified by the guild master at a later date. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Acts as a specific leader in their game. These members coordinate the efforts of the officers below them and make recommendations for new officers of the Watch to the Regiment Commander or Deputy Commanding Officer. They have the direct capability to make in-game changes and then have them verified by the guild master at a later date. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Acts as a specific leader in their game. These members coordinate the efforts of the officers below them and make recommendations for new officers of the Watch to the Regiment Commander or Deputy Commanding Officer. They have the direct capability to make in-game changes and then have them verified by the guild master at a later date. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Acts as a specific leader in their game. These members coordinate the efforts of the officers below them and make recommendations for new officers of the Watch to the Regiment Commander or Deputy Commanding Officer. They have the direct capability to make in-game changes and then have them verified by the guild master at a later date. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) This member is in charge of the recruitment of new members and of the maintenance of members who have less than 90 days in the Watch. This includes getting them on the website, in discord (if the new member wishes it) and ensuring that they receive a guild orientation in the game for the guilds specific holdings in the game. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) This member's duty is to coordinate PvE events monthly, to include scheduling of events on the calendar, organizing and running the event as well as upkeep of the paperwork for personnel tracking purposes. Event outcomes should be posted on the RBW Calender under the event once it is completed. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Works in different games to correct roster issues preforms this task in coordination with the PAC officers. Ensures that all rosters match between the game and the guild website and the Discord server. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) The Dungeon Master (often abbreviated as DM) is the game organizer and participant in charge of creating the details and challenges of a given adventure, while maintaining a realistic continuity of events. In effect, the Dungeon Master controls all aspects of the game, except for the actions of the player characters (PCs), and describes to the players what they see and hear.The Dungeon Master (DM) assumes the role of the game master or referee and describes for other players what they perceive in this imaginary world, and what effects their actions have. That person is responsible for preparing each game session, and must have a thorough understanding of the game rules. Dungeon Masters are responsible to the Loremaster of the Watch. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) Manages the in-game bank assets and fills requests in-game and out of the game for bank materials. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) This is the member that manages in-game guild assets such as housing, ships, or any other guild-wide in-game assets that are not part of the guild bank in game. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) The Game Trainer is a member who has committed to assisting other players with understanding game mechanics and helps them to level more effectively. They will send or post a weekly update to the game mechanics and work to complete class guidance for all in-game classes of the factions that the Watch supports for the game. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) This is a position for an officer of the Watch to conduct player-versus-player events within a game. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) This is a specific position for the Minecraft game. Their job is to address Minecraft specific server issues and ensure that the server is maintained. | |
![]() | (Allied Guild Representatives Position) A guild is a Guild Master with whom we have coordinated an alliance in a specific game. | |
![]() | (Allied Guild Representatives Position) A guild member of another guild who is allied with the Watch. This position is diplomatic in nature. It allows the use of our calendar of events and forums. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) A member of the Watch who, through word or deed, is considered a lifetime member. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) The position of Senior Guild Member is a member that has been about for a long period of time. He or she, through their own work, has attained a meritorious position change. Their character is one that is more dedicated to the Watch although they may not wish to have a leadership position or they have had one and have returned to the ranks. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) This is the normal position of a member in the Royal Black Watch. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) This member is under the age of 17 and is designated as a "cadet" rather than guild member. This designation is only for the purposes of identifying a younger person. There is no reduction of privilege because of age, and discrimination of any sort will be dealt with swiftly. His/her position will be changed to Guild Member on the member's 17th birthday. | |
![]() | (Retired Officer Position) This position is granted by the Regiment Commander to officers who have served above and beyond. | |
![]() | (Extended Leave Team Position) Position assigned to members currently on leave status due to real life circumstances. (These members should be placed in the extended leave)ve company) | |
![]() | This position is given to members currently in the inactive status on the in-game roster and has not logged into the game in over 6 months. | |
![]() | (Active Guild Members Position) This recruit is under the age of 17 but is a new member of the Royal Black Watch who is in their initial entry period. This member should attempt to attend events and support their chosen game. | |
![]() | A new member of the Royal Black Watch who is in their initial entry period. This member should attempt to attend events and support their chosen game. |