My friends and my comrades of the RBW.
By now, some of you may have received word of my hastily (harshly) worded resignation. Know that I hold nothing against any of you. The incident I spoke of in my resignation took place on a day that had been, shall we say, rough from the start.
I had to go to the Dentist that morning. He had to repair some fillings and it was... painful. On top of that, I had a Volunteer Meeting to go to at the hospital which was... long and boring for the most part. Then, I had to work in a place I dislike for five hours which was even more boring. By the time I logged into Neverwinter... I was tired, strained, stressed and edgy. What I should have done that night was to go to bed and let the day end. Instead, I made the poor choice to log in when I wasn't clear of mind. The comment about the crack-pipe was the straw that broke the Camel's back. I find comments like that deeply distasteful and I was stressed already when I saw it.
I realize now that the comment, while ill-advised, was unintentional. I took it the wrong way basically.
Frankly, I always have emotional problems the closer I get to my birthday. I want to explain to everyone that I am leaving, temporarily, not because I am offended (not anymore) or because I no longer wish to be a part of the Watch or the games we play together. I just feel that the time has come to step away for awhile. Maybe finish my education (GED) and perhaps get a part-time job so I can purchase some of that Zen I've been wanting
Please understand, I take no pleasure in this. Nor do I take this decision lightly. I have made many friends in my time here and do not wish to end my friendship in any way. In fact, I would re-enlist if only I could speak to Command and discuss this with them. However, I have spoken with Lili and she says that I should take some time away. She also made me promise that I wouldn't forget about the Watch or its members. I won't... I can't forget.
You all have my deepest and most sincere respect as well as my apologies. As Spock once said "I have been... and always shall be... your friend."
Imjehl/Jon/Arlus etc.