tries to make sense out of Nin's post
About a dozen of us are playing Skyforge, yes. There is a kinetics class you can work toward to open and use, yes (that was the Magneto reference?).
There's actually quite a bit going on in the Watch right now, especially considering it's summer and that means far fewer people around. Skyforge, of course, going into open beta at last and with its first major update on the 11th - Neverwinter with its major update on the 11th which brings in guild strongholds and all manner of related guild-based fun stuff - the continued build-up to SWtOR's new expansion which starts release in Oct (it's the beginning of a huge story arc that will be released in bits) - Warframe just introduced a new 'frame and revamped the tututorial - STO has Armadas now (think alliances which are functional).
And that's just off the top of my memory. I'm pretty sure I'm missing quite a bit.