Hello all! I am jdcollins, Vice Chief of Science Branch in the 12th Legacy Fleet. Like you, we are a part of the UFP Armada.
I have come today to extend relations between our fleets on a more personal level, other than just helping each other out with fleet projects. Myself and the others in our command want you to know that our door is always open for ambassadorial relations between our fleets.
I have also stopped by to inform all that we have recently started hosting a "Monthly Muster" on the last Sunday of each month in the Armada Lounge of UFP"s Teamspeak. We get together at 1500 EDT each time. Our next one is being held on June 26th and we would be honored if your fine members would attend.
We normally do PvEs, but also occasionally do PvP's as well...both in space and on ground.
I hope to see some of you there on the 26th. Please feel free to stop by our forums anytime at 12th-legacy.com