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Awards - Active Guild Members - Elvenar
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[+] Elevnar Master Award [EMA]
Game: Elvenar
Given to any member that exceeds over 300K city score in Elevnar while a member of the guild
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Elevnar Build Award [EBA]
Game: Elvenar
Given to a member that exceeds 200K city score in Elevnar while a member of the watch.
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Elvenar Commander Award [ECA]
Game: Elvenar
Given to any member that exceeds 100K city score in Elevnar while a member of the guild
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Elevnar Warrior Award [EWA]
Game: Elvenar
Given to any member that exceeds 20K for a city score while in the guild
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Elvenar Helper Award [EHA]
Game: Elvenar
Given to the member that has the highest score for the last 90 days in Elevnar. This is taken by the GM in-game and awarded. This is the overall summation of the scores that are put out on the weekly report.
[+] Members who have this award: