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[+] Raid Shadow Legends Formation Award [RSLFA]
AWARD: Raid Shadow Legends Formation Award
DESCRIPTION: Given to all the members that assisted in forming the guild in Raid Shadow Legends from 08-01-2019 until 09-01-2019.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by Game Officer
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Player Support Ribbon [RPSP]
Support the game by joining and working in the game to advance the guild objectives.
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Champion Award Level Max [RCAM]
Have at least one Champion at level 60 or above and maximum stars for champion levels at time of this award
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Champion Award Level 50 [RCA5]
Have at least one Champion at level 50 and 4 stars
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Champion Award Level 40 [RCA4]
Have at least one Champion at level 40 and 3 stars
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Champion Award Level 30 [RCA3]
Have at least one Champion at level 30 and 2 Stars
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Champion Award Level 20 [RCA2]
Have at least one champion at level 20 and 1 Star
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Champion Award Level 10 [RCA]
Have at least one Champion on your Active Bar at Level 10
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Platinum PVP Award [PPA]
Reach Any Platinum Arena Tier
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Gold PVP Award [GPA]
Reach any Gold PVP Arena Tier
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Silver PVP Award [SPA]
Reach any Silver Arena Tier
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Bronze PVP Award [BPA]
Reach any bronze arena level tier
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Shadow Legends Centurion [RSLC]
AWARD: Raid Shadow Legends Warrior
DESCRIPTION: This award commemorates reaching 3 Million Player power in Raid Shadow Legends in the guild
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer, Game Officers
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the issuing officer based on observing the player's power score
CATEGORY: Game Award
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Shadow Legends Warrior [RSLW]
AWARD: Raid Shadow Legends Warrior
DESCRIPTION: This award commemorates reaching 2 Million Player power in Raid Shadow Legends in the guild
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer, Game Officers
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the issuing officer based on observing the player's power score
CATEGORY: Game Award
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid Over 3 Million Award [ROM]
AWARD: Performance Medal
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who attain over three or more million player power in Raid as a member of the guild
TIME FRAME: To be awarded to one member per Game when over three or more million player power
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: This award is for reaching a specific player power in raid shadow legends
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid 2 Million Award [R2M]
AWARD: Performance Medal
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who attain over 2 million player power in Raid as a member of the guild
TIME FRAME: To be awarded to one member per Game when over 2 million player power
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: This award is for reaching a specific player power in raid shadow legends
[+] Members who have this award:
[+] Raid 1 Million Ribbon [RMR]
AWARD: Performance Medal
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who attain over 1 million player power in Raid as a member of the guild
TIME FRAME: To be awarded to one member per Game when over 1 million player power
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: This award is for reaching a specific player power in raid shadow legends
[+] Members who have this award: