Symphony of the...Twilight?
Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies
Because if it exists I must sit on it.
So you can be resurrected as long as you don't die.
This tree has not yet figured out that the roots go in the ground.
Two days later, Diluc visits his cellar to discover Paimon has drank his entire supply of grape juice.
Yeah, like all those people face-down in the puddle.
So you stuffed a tent into your bag of holding, but not food.
Nah, we're natural-born errand runners.
Notice: In Genshin Impact, "friendship" equals "errand runner".
Either that or it's because I dragged you there.
He'll regret saying that.
I love how they lampshade their own game.
Yeah, sure. Good luck with that roll.
Maybe because he was in my party the entire time?
So the god who is supposedly dead is going to pick out the incense to be used at his own funeral.
None of you actually did anything.
No fair stealing my line, Paimon!
Because if it exists... ah, well, you get the idea.
Because if it exists I must climb it.
Because if it exists I must climb it.
Because if it exists I must climb it.
Yes, I'm on top of a construction crane. Because if it exists I must climb it.
Amused: Auto-shield triggers on fall damage, even though shields do not actually protect against fall damage.
Surprisingly, this was not my fault.
...How is he not on fire?
Get off my pillar, you mutant flower!
The Dendro Archon comes to bestow a gift from the Tree of Disappointment.
...Oops. Too late. Also: I am Rex Lapis.
😇 (That would have been me~)
Clearing the bridge. (I love how Diluc ends battles before they begin.)
Somehow I don't think this is how this is supposed to work.
This is called ice fishing.