Starfire is one of the few members of the Trelefarr to have ever seen the Alpha Quadrant. Her people, soon after becoming a space-faring civilization, met a being of immense power and a bad temper. To punish them, he sent a ship of Trelefarr to the Alpha Quadrant in the hopes they would never bother him again. The Federation discovered the ship only hours before their life support would have run out. Of the 50 crew members on that ship, 15 ended their own lives upon hearing that the Federation could not send them back home. Starfire, the chief science officer on the vessel tested well and was asked to join Starfleet. During her stay at the academy, her nervousness hid some of her more... curious tendencies. Upon her graduation and posting to a vessel, she started to come out of her shell and slowly began to exhibit megalomaniacal and sociopathic tendencies, prefering to "science things in the face" instead of negotiate a peaceful resolution to problems.
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World of Warcraft
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Star Wars: The Old Republic
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Senior Guild MemberThe position of Senior Guild Member is a member that has been about for a long period of time. He or she, through their own work, has attained a meritorious position change. Their character is one that is more dedicated to the Watch although they may not wish to have a leadership position or they have had one and have returned to the ranks.