Apprentice to Astinas of Palanthas
In years past, I traveled with the Rangers of the Lords of Krynn and Royal Black Watch across the realms of Neverwinter Nights on AOL and Ultima Online. I wrote and edited role-play stories with many guild members. I also played in realms such as EverQuest, and NetMech for MechWarrior. Then, after years of active service with the guild, the Guildmaster accompanied me to an altar in the realm of Earth to help me hand my life over to "a lovely young lass," as he put it. My time playing online disappeared overnight, as I happily prioritized my time with my new wife. Oh, I continued to travel across many realms offline, to be sure, delving deeply into stories such as Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, Star Wars, Halo, Oblivion and Skyrim, Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon, and Mass Effect, but I could not devote meaningful time to the guild online. Twelve years and three children later, my eldest child asked me, while we traveled the realms of Minecraft and Call of Duty, "Dad, what's a guild?" Memories flooded back to my days spent with the guild, and I realized I had finally come to a point where I was able to play online again, and could finally rekindle those friendships from long ago. I look forward to recording more of the great exploits of this guild I have come to love so much.
Cleric Theobald
Elder Scrolls Online
Cartur Shepard
Mass Effect 3
Ansei Bezjha
Elder Scrolls Online
Elder Scrolls Online
Khava Mosoud
Elder Scrolls Online
Elder Scrolls Online
Sharidan Moogle
Tabletop D&D: Forgotten Realms (Campaign of Blood: Sarceriss)
Role-Play Storytelling
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LoremasterEnsures that role-play interaction is encouraged and RP Awards are given.
Appoints Dungeon Masters within the Role-play company to run VTT (virtual tabletop) campaigns, maintains a running list of campaigns, administers the RBW Library. Edits the role-plays in the forums into readable stories of the Watch to ensure that our history is not lost in the many years that we have been and shall be.
Maintains a weekly role-play story in the Watch forums in an interactive play-by-post format.