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Sorahl Torsin - alternate of Sorahl
- Jim Williams (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil)
Group: Active Guild Members
Alternate Of: Sorahl
Role: Mage
Game: Elvenar
Server: Wynandor
- No biography supplied -
World of Warcraft Star Wars: The Old Republic Star Trek Online EverQuest 2 Diablo Immortal Rift Elder Scrolls Online Guild Wars DC Universe Online Dungeons and Dragons Online Diablo III Lord of the Rings Online Path of Exile Albion Online Ark: Survival Evolved Armored Warfare Elvenar Guild Wars 2 Hearthstone Marvel Heroes Neverwinter Northwind RBW Ultima Online Shard Planetside 2 Raid Shadow Legands Skyforge Warframe World of Tanks
[*] [RATE] [GW2F] [*] [GW2RD] [GW2RM] [CFT] [DC] [GW2RS] [MSM] [GW2GFR] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [GW2A] [*] [*] [DSM] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [2nd] [*] [1st] [*] [*] [*] [3rd] [*] [*] [*] [4th] [*] [*] [GCM] [EFA] [ESFA] [ELA] [RSLFA] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*]
Active Guild MembersThis is the main roster of the Watch listing all members who are active and do not have a special assignment.
[*]SWTOR Level 50 Achievement AwardAWARD: SWTOR Level 50 Achievement Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member whose character reaches level 50 in The Old Republic.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[RATE]GW2 Rough Around The Edges (RETIRED)AWARD: Guild Wars 2 Rough Around the Edges
DESCRIPTION: Member was in the RBW and participated in beta testing and/or stress testing for Guild Wars 2.
AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[GW2F]GW2 Formation (RETIRED)AWARD: Guild Wars 2 Formation
DESCRIPTION: Member was part of RBW and the original team for Guild formation during the GW2 "head start" weekend of 25-27 August 2012.
AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[*]GW2 "Front Line" Award (RETIRED)AWARD: Guild Wars 2 "Front Line" Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who meet up in game within 72 hours of GW2 launch (28 August 2012).
AWARD AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[GW2RD]GW2 Roving Disciple AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Roving Disciple Award
DESCRIPTION: Member has maximum attainment for Vistas, Waypoints, and Points of Interest in any one of the primary cities. Screenshot should be posted to RBW forums under its own topic for bragging rights!
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[GW2RM]GW2 Roving Master AwardAward: Guild Wars 2 Roving Master Award
DESCRIPTION: Member has maximum attainment for Vistas, Waypoints, and Points of Interest in all of the primary cities. Screenshot should be posted to RBW forums under its own topic for bragging rights!
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[CFT]GW2 Crafter AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Crafter Award
DESCRIPTION: Guild member has achieved level 400 in a crafting profession with a single character.
AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[DC]GW2 Dedicated Crafter AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Dedicated Crafter Award
DESCRIPTION: Guild member has achieved level 400 in two crafting professions with a single character.
AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[GW2RS]GW2 Roving Sifu AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Roving Sifu Award
DESCRIPTION: Member has maximum attainment for Vistas, Waypoints, Points of Interest and Heart Quests in all the lands of Tyria. Screenshot should be posted to RBW forums under its own topic so that person can brag it! 100% World Complete!
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[MSM]Meritorious Service MedalAWARD: Meritorious Service Medal
DESCRIPTION: This award is given to a Watch member that performs well beyond the call of normal duty and sets a positive example within his unit as a whole.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: This award is for game improvement (something that benefits only the Game they play, not the entire guild).
[GW2GFR]GW2 Guild Fun Runner AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Guild Fun Runner Award
DESCRIPTION: Member has attended 5 Calendar organised Guild Fun Runs across the lands of Tyria.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[*]GW2 Ascalonian Raider AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Ascalonian Raider Award
DESCRIPTION: Guild member has completed the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon (has cleared all the paths).
AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[*]SWTOR Level 10 Achievement Award (RETIRED)AWARD: SWTOR Level 10 Achievement Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member whose main character in SWTOR reaches level 10.
AWARD AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]SWTOR Flashpoint Esseles AwardAWARD: SWTOR Flashpoint Esseles Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the Esseles Flashpoint. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]SWTOR Level 25 Achievement AwardAWARD: SWTOR Level 25 Achievement Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member whose character reaches level 25 in The Old Republic.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]GW2 Color Co-ordinator AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Color Co-ordinator Award
DESCRIPTION: Discover 200 different shades of Dye. Screenshot should be posted in the RBW forums.
AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[*]GW2 Dye-Hard Co-ordinator AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Dye-Hard Co-ordinator Award
DESCRIPTION: Discover 400 different shades of Dye. Screenshot should be posted in the RBW forums.
AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[*]SWTOR Flashpoint Hammer Station AwardAWARD: SWTOR Flashpoint Hammer Station Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the Hammer Station Flashpoint. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]SWTOR Flashpoint Mandalorian Raiders AwardAWARD: SWTOR Flashpoint Mandalorian Raiders Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the Mandalorian Raiders Flashpoint. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]Officer Exemplar AwardAWARD: Officer Exemplar Award
DESCRIPTION: Given out by the enlisted to an officer whom they deem has showed extraordinary leadership and talent.
AWARD AUTHORITY: The Regiment Adjutant who will accomplish the poll each year from 1- 31 December.
JUSTIFICATION: This will be a nomination and polling award.
[*]SWTOR Flashpoint Athiss AwardAWARD: SWTOR Flashpoint Athiss Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the Athiss Flashpoint. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]WOT Starting Out AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Starting Out Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members of the Royal Black Watch for destroying 250 tanks.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Moving On Up AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Moving On Up Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members of the Royal Black Watch for destroying 500 tanks.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Hanging Out AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Hanging Out Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 250 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Always Around AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Always Around Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 500 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V Heavy AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V Heavy Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Heavy Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Rise of the Americas, Stage I Participation Award (RETIRED)AWARD: World of Tanks Rise of the Americas, Stage I Participation Award
DESCRIPTION: Participated in Rise of the Americas,Stage I.
AWARD AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Rise of the Americas, Stage II Participation Award (RETIRED)AWARD: World of Tanks Rise of the Americas, Stage II Participation Award
DESCRIPTION: Participated in Rise of the Americas, Stage II.
AWARD AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Rise of the Americas,Stage III Participation Award (RETIRED)AWARD: World of Tanks Rise of the Americas, Stage III Participation Award
DESCRIPTION: Participated in Rise of the Americas, Stage III.
AWARD AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Welcome to the Guild AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Welcome to the Guild Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who join RBW and play in 10 battles wearing the guild tag.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Brother-in-Arms, Elite AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Brother-in-Arms, Elite Award
DESCRIPTION: A platoon of two tankers destroy 3 of the opposing team each.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[GW2A]GW2 Adventurer AwardAWARD: Guild Wars 2 Adventurer Award
DESCRIPTION: Guild member has achieved level 80 with a single character.
AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Guild Wars 2
[*]WOT Got Your Back AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Got Your Back Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 1000 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V MED/LT AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V MED/LT Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Med/Light Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[DSM]Distinguished Service MedalAWARD: Distinguished Service Medal
DESCRIPTION: This award is given to a RBW member who shows dedication to duty and improves the Watch as a whole through their efforts.
JUSTIFICATION: This award is for one-time guild improvement (something that benefits the entire guild).
[*]SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault - 8 Man Story Mode AwardAWARD: SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault - 8 Man Story Mode Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the SWTOR Operation: The Eternity Vault in 8 man story mode. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]WOW Participation AwardAWARD: World of Warcraft Participation Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for playing with the Watch in World of Warcraft for six months or more.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Based off date joined in guild roster
CATEGORY: World of Warcraft
[*]WOW Max Crafter AwardAWARD: World of Warcraft Max Crafter Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for achieving maximum crafting skill, e.g. blacksmithing, enchanting, tailoring. This award can be achieved once per expansion pack.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verified via in-game roster
CATEGORY: World of Warcraft
[*]WOW Survivor AwardAWARD: World of Warcraft Survivor Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for mastering two secondary skills (First Aid, Fishing, and Cooking).
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Member must e-mail a screenshot of their skills to current respective officer, verifying the skill rank of 375.
CATEGORY: World of Warcraft
[*]WOW Max Level AwardAWARD: World of Warcraft Max Level Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for achieving maximum character level on an RBW approved World of Warcraft server.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verified via in-game roster
CATEGORY: World of Warcraft
[*]SWTOR Flashpoint Colicoid Wargame AwardAWARD: SWTOR Flashpoint Colicoid Wargame Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the Colicoid Wargame Flashpoint. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace - 8 Man Story Mode AwardAWARD: SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace - 8 Man Story Mode Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the SWTOR Operation: Karraga's Palace in 8 Man Story mode. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]LOTRO Participation AwardAWARD: Lord of the Rings Online Participation Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for playing as a member of the LOTRO company for 6 months.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Based off date joined in guild roster.
CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings Online
[*]WOT Tier V Artillery AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V Artillery Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for grinding a Tier V Artillery Piece.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V TD AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V TD Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Tank Destroyer.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]Elder Scrolls Online Formation Award (RETIRED)AWARD: The Elder Scrolls Online Formation Award
DESCRIPTION: Member was part of RBW and the original team for Guild formation during the ESO "head start".
AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO, CSM, Squad leader
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: Elder Scrolls Online
[2nd]2nd Membership AwardAWARD: 2nd Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for two years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[*]The "I Want You" Recruitment AwardAWARD: The "I Want You" Recruitment Award
DESCRIPTION: This award is issued to a member who recruits five new members to the Watch.
JUSTIFICATION: After a member has recruited their fifth person they get this award, regardless of the amount of time passed.
[1st]1st Membership AwardAWARD: 1st Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for one year of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[*]SWTOR Flashpoint Maelstrom Prison AwardAWARD: SWTOR Flashpoint Maelstrom Prison Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]SWTOR Flashpoint Cademimu AwardAWARD: SWTOR Flashpoint Cademimu Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member in honor of completing the Cademimu Flashpoint. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[*]SWTOR Level 60 Achievement AwardAWARD: SWTOR Level 60 Achievement Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member whose character reaches level 60 within The Shadow of Revan expansion.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Star Wars: The Old Republic
[3rd]3rd Membership AwardAWARD: 3rd Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for three years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[*]Do You Pen & PaperAWARD: Do You Pen & Paper
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to you by the Royal Black Watch for participating in a Campaign of Blood: Sarceriss D&D event.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification through attendance tracking by issuing officer.
CATEGORY: Campaign of Blood: Sarceriss
[*]Idiot SavantAWARD: Idiot Savant
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to the member with an unusual, catastrophic in-game occurrence; for example: most lag deaths or died in an odd or peculiar way.
AWARD AUTHORITY: Any officer of the Watch who is present for the catastrophe.
JUSTIFICATION: Discretion of issuing officer.
[4th]4th Membership AwardAWARD: 4th Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for four years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[*]NW Squire Of Neverwinter (Retired)AWARD: NWN Level 30 award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to all members who had one character reach level 30.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
[*]STO Participation AwardAWARD: Star Trek Online Participation Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for playing as a member of the Star Trek Online company for 6 months.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Based off date joined in guild roster.
CATEGORY: Star Trek Online
[GCM]Good Conduct MedalAWARD: Good Conduct Medal
DESCRIPTION: This award is awarded to the member(s) each year whose conduct reflects well upon the guild as a whole. Awarded in December.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Awarded to the company member who has best exemplified the best conduct of a watcher in the lands.
[EFA]ESO Founding AwardDESCRIPTION: Awarded for having a character in the first founding of the Guild on ESO
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Visual check by current officer
CATEGORY: Elder Scrolls Online
[ESFA]ESO Second Founding AwardDESCRIPTION: Awarded for joining the guild in ESO during the resurgence of the game in the watch or maintaining a character during this time.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Visual check by current officer
CATEGORY: Elder Scrolls Online
[ELA]ESO Level 50 AwardDESCRIPTION: Awarded for achieving character level 50 in Elder Scrolls Online
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Visual check by current officer
CATEGORY: Elder Scrolls Online
[RSLFA]Raid Shadow Legends Formation AwardAWARD: Raid Shadow Legends Formation Award
DESCRIPTION: Given to all the members that assisted in forming the guild in Raid Shadow Legends from 08-01-2019 until 09-01-2019.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by Game Officer
[*]D3 Defender of Sanctuary AwardAWARD: Diablo III Defender of Sanctuary Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who complete Diablo III in Normal Mode. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
[*]D3 Hero of Sanctuary AwardAWARD: Diablo III Hero of Sanctuary Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who complete Diablo III in Nightmare Mode. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
[*]D3 Champion of Sanctuary AwardAWARD: Diablo III Champion of Sanctuary Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who complete Diablo III in Hell Mode. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
[*]D3 Immortal Savior of Sanctuary AwardAWARD: Diablo III Immortal Savior of Sanctuary Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who complete Diablo III in Inferno Mode. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
[*]D3 Elder Defender AwardAWARD:Diablo III Elder Defender Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who reach Level 60 in any character class in Diablo III. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
[*]D3 Supreme Defender AwardAWARD:Diablo III Supreme Defender Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who reach Level 60 in 3 character classes in Diablo III. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
[*]D3 Gracious Angel AwardAWARD:Diablo III Gracious Angel Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member who gives freely of his or her resources for the good and advancement of another player. Must be voted on by a peer group of fellow players.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification of vote results by issuing officer.
[*]D3 Master Crafter AwardAWARD: Diablo III Master Crafter Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who advance both Jewelcrafting and Blacksmithing to Level 10 (proof required via in-game achievement). This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.
[*]D3 Divine Bovine AwardAWARD: Diablo III Divine Bovine Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who complete the secret level in Diablo III. This award is only issued once.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer.