Bariman | - Albert Camus, 1942 |
Main Char: He was there when STO started, and he will be there when it ends... Barrington Tolgan is from a proud, almost aristocratic, family on Trill. He held a privileged life early on, but decided to give it up after receiving Rex, Dex's sibling (or a symbiont's closest equivalent). Once proud, Rex kept him in check during his years at the academy. With his many years as a star fleet officer (and the experiences of previous hosts), Barrington Rex rose to his current rank. User info: I am active member of the U.S. Navy. So far, I have played Star Trek Online and World of Tanks since joining the RBW. However, I played WOW, SWG, and EQ2 when they first came out. I also played Eve-Online for a while before switching to STO. I am currently testing The Repopulation. |