I have been Playing games as early as 1994. Of those games Pen and Paper D&D is at the top with over 18 years of experience as a DM/GM, with 3.5 core rules being my favorite so far. Of the other games I have been in and out of various MMO's all of which the Royal Black Watch is currently playing or has played in the past. I am former United States ARMY, and am now a Disabled Veteran. I have insomnia which helps me play thousands of games long into the wee hours of the night. If I'm not in a game atm then I am eating, sleeping, or at school.
I am currently attending ITT Technical College in MS, for Software Development - Associates Degree, to add to the current list of my degrees:
-Criminal Justice - Associates
-Military History - Associates
-Military Strategy and Tactics - Associates
- Fire Arts - Associates
- Gaming Graphics design and engineering - Associates
- Certificate of Completion - Advanced College English IV
- Certificate of Completion - 88M Heavy Motor Vehicle Operations Specialist (US ARMY)
My Future Goals (as I have already finished my short term goals) is to become an FBI Special Agent as a Cyber Crime Specialist working in Olympia, Washington.
Elder Scrolls Online
Role-Play Storytelling
7 Days to Die
Albion Online
Armored Warfare
Company of Heroes
Company of Heroes 2
Conan Exiles
View all...
Campfire ScoutActs as a specific leader in their game. These members coordinate the efforts of the officers below them and make recommendations for new officers of the Watch to the Regiment Commander or Deputy Commanding Officer. They have the direct capability to make in-game changes and then have them verified by the guild master at a later date.