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- The Dwarf (Eaters of the Dead / 13th Warrior)
Group: Active Guild Members
Position: Senior Guild Member
Rank: Second Lieutenant (2LT)
Private Messages: (Send Message)
Role: Not On Game Roster
Main Game: World of Warships
Gender: Male
Server: (NA)
Sponsored: This member has sponsored 0 other members.
Date Joined: Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Date of Rank: Sunday, January 20, 2013
- No biography supplied -
World of Warships
[*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [1st]
Active Guild MembersThis is the main roster of the Watch listing all members who are active and do not have a special assignment.
Senior Guild MemberThe position of Senior Guild Member is a member that has been about for a long period of time. He or she, through their own work, has attained a meritorious position change. Their character is one that is more dedicated to the Watch although they may not wish to have a leadership position or they have had one and have returned to the ranks.
Second Lieutenant (2LT)Second Lieutenant rank is used for an up-to 12 month evaluation of any new officer in a Command or Senior Staff slot and is the lowest of the officer ranks. At the Regiment Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened due to merit.
[*]WOT Welcome to the Guild AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Welcome to the Guild Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who join RBW and play in 10 battles wearing the guild tag.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Starting Out AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Starting Out Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members of the Royal Black Watch for destroying 250 tanks.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Moving On Up AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Moving On Up Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members of the Royal Black Watch for destroying 500 tanks.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Master of Disaster AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Master of Disaster Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members of the Royal Black Watch for destroying 1,000 tanks.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Hanging Out AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Hanging Out Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 250 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Always Around AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Always Around Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 500 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Got Your Back AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Got Your Back Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 1000 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT I'm Always Around AwardAWARD: World of Tanks I'm Always Around Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 5,000 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V Artillery AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V Artillery Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for grinding a Tier V Artillery Piece.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V TD AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V TD Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Tank Destroyer.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier VII TD AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier VII TD Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier VII Tank Destroyer.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier IX TD AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier IX TD Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier IX Tank Destroyer.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V MED/LT AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V MED/LT Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Med/Light Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier VII MED/LT AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier VII MED/LT Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier VII Med/Light Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V Heavy AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V Heavy Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Heavy Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier VII Heavy AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier VII Heavy Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier VII Heavy Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier X Heavy AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier X Heavy Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier X Heavy Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Lone Wolf AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Lone Wolf Award
DESCRIPTION: A solo tanker gets 10 kills or more in a match.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[1st]1st Membership AwardAWARD: 1st Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for one year of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.