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- "Dirty" Harry Callahan (Sudden Impact) 1983
Group: Active Guild Members
Position: Senior Guild Member
Rank: Sergeant First Class (SFC)
Private Messages: (Send Message)
Role: Senior Guild Member
Main Game: World of Tanks
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Tank Commander
Sponsored: This member has sponsored 3 other members.
Date Joined: Sunday, February 17, 2013
Date of Rank: Wednesday, December 17, 2014
- No biography supplied -
World of Tanks Diablo III Star Trek Online Neverwinter Elder Scrolls Online Anthem Armored Warfare Dragon Age Inquisition Mass Effect 3 Path of Exile Star Citizen Star Wars: The Old Republic Warframe
[*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [1st] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [2nd] [*] [3rd] [4th] [GCM] [5VRA] [ELA]
Active Guild MembersThis is the main roster of the Watch listing all members who are active and do not have a special assignment.
Senior Guild MemberThe position of Senior Guild Member is a member that has been about for a long period of time. He or she, through their own work, has attained a meritorious position change. Their character is one that is more dedicated to the Watch although they may not wish to have a leadership position or they have had one and have returned to the ranks.
Sergeant First Class (SFC)This is the highest enlisted rank possible to attain by one's own merits in one's company. A SFC should be well-versed in the game that they play and be a subject knowledge expert. To attain any higher, a SFC must present an astounding image to the guild as a whole.A Sergeant First Class in good standing may be promoted to Sergeant Major 180 days after their date of rank. At the Company Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit.
[*]WOT Welcome to the Guild AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Welcome to the Guild Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members who join RBW and play in 10 battles wearing the guild tag.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Starting Out AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Starting Out Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members of the Royal Black Watch for destroying 250 tanks.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Moving On Up AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Moving On Up Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members of the Royal Black Watch for destroying 500 tanks.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Master of Disaster AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Master of Disaster Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members of the Royal Black Watch for destroying 1,000 tanks.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Hanging Out AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Hanging Out Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 250 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Always Around AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Always Around Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 500 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Got Your Back AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Got Your Back Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 1000 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V Artillery AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V Artillery Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for grinding a Tier V Artillery Piece.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V TD AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V TD Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Tank Destroyer.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier VII TD AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier VII TD Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier VII Tank Destroyer.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V MED/LT AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V MED/LT Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Med/Light Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier VII MED/LT AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier VII MED/LT Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier VII Med/Light Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier VII Heavy AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier VII Heavy Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier VII Heavy Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Master Marksman AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Master Marksman Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to those Tankers who score 6 kills in a battle. Must be witnessed by a fellow RBW member, and must be in a Tier V tank or higher. Awarded each time this feat is accomplished.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Elite Marksman AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Elite Marksman Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to those Tankers who score 7 kills in a battle. Must be witnessed by a fellow RBW member, and must be in a Tier V tank or higher. Awarded each time this feat is accomplished.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT I'm Always Around AwardAWARD: World of Tanks I'm Always Around Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 5,000 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier VI Artillery Award (RETIRED)AWARD: World of Tanks Tier VI Artillery Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for grinding a Tier VI Artillery Piece.
AWARD AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier VII Artillery AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier VII Artillery Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for grinding a Tier VII Artillery Piece.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier V Heavy AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier V Heavy Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier V Heavy Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier X Heavy AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier X Heavy Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier X Heavy Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Rise of the Americas, Stage II Participation Award (RETIRED)AWARD: World of Tanks Rise of the Americas, Stage II Participation Award
DESCRIPTION: Participated in Rise of the Americas, Stage II.
AWARD AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Rise of the Americas,Stage III Participation Award (RETIRED)AWARD: World of Tanks Rise of the Americas, Stage III Participation Award
DESCRIPTION: Participated in Rise of the Americas, Stage III.
AWARD AUTHORITY: Force Commander,Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Up and Comer AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Up and Comer Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking all available tanks up to Tier V in any nations line.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT End Gamer AwardAWARD: World of Tanks End Gamer Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking all available tanks up to Tier VII in any nations line.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier IX TD AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier IX TD Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier IX Tank Destroyer.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier IX Heavy AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier IX Heavy Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier IX Heavy Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier X TD AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier X TD Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier X Tank Destroyer.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier IX MED/LT AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier IX MED/LT Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier IX Med/Light Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier IX Artillery AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier IX Artillery Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for grinding a Tier IX Artillery Piece.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[1st]1st Membership AwardAWARD: 1st Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for one year of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[*]WOT Tier X Artillery AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier X Artillery Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for grinding a Tier X Artillery Piece.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Tier X MED/LT AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Tier X MED/LT Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking a Tier X Med/Light Tank.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Elite Tanker AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Elite Tanker Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for unlocking all available tanks in any nations line.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Brother-in-Arms, Destroyer AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Brother-in-Arms, Destroyer Award
DESCRIPTION: A platoon of two tankers destroy 4 or more of the opposing team each.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Brother-in-Arms, Executioner AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Brother-in-Arms, Executioner Award
DESCRIPTION: A platoon of three tankers destroy 3 of the opposing team each.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Brother-in-Arms, Annihilator AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Brother-in-Arms, Annihilator Award
DESCRIPTION: A platoon of three tankers destroy 4 or more of the opposing team each.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[*]WOT Brother-in-Arms, Elite AwardAWARD: World of Tanks Brother-in-Arms, Elite Award
DESCRIPTION: A platoon of two tankers destroy 3 of the opposing team each.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[2nd]2nd Membership AwardAWARD: 2nd Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for two years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[*]WOT I've Got No Life AwardAWARD: World of Tanks I've Got No Life Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded for participating in 10,000 separate engagements.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by the person issuing the award that the receiving member meets the criteria listed in the award description.
CATEGORY: World of Tanks
[3rd]3rd Membership AwardAWARD: 3rd Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for three years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[4th]4th Membership AwardAWARD: 4th Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for four years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[GCM]Good Conduct MedalAWARD: Good Conduct Medal
DESCRIPTION: This award is awarded to the member(s) each year whose conduct reflects well upon the guild as a whole. Awarded in December.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Awarded to the company member who has best exemplified the best conduct of a watcher in the lands.
[5VRA]5 Year Veteran Recognition AwardAWARD: 5 Year Service Recognition Medal
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded to a member in honor of their five years of membership in, and dedicated service to the Royal Black Watch Regiment.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Five years service to the Royal Black Watch Regiment.
[ELA]ESO Level 50 AwardDESCRIPTION: Awarded for achieving character level 50 in Elder Scrolls Online
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Visual check by current officer
CATEGORY: Elder Scrolls Online