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- Imperial Battlemage Abnur Tharn (The Elder Scrolls)
Group: Active Guild Members
Position: Event Coordinator
Rank: Sergeant First Class (SFC)
Private Messages: (Send Message)
Role: Ambassador
Main Game: Elvenar
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Fellow
Server: (Elcysandir)
Sponsored: This member has sponsored 0 other members.
Date Joined: Friday, March 23, 2018
Date of Rank: Tuesday, November 22, 2022
- No biography supplied -
[1st] [2nd] [3rd] [*] [4th] [EMA] [EBA] [ECA] [EWA] [EHA] [5VRA] [CA] [GCM] [*]
Active Guild MembersThis is the main roster of the Watch listing all members who are active and do not have a special assignment.
Event CoordinatorThis member's duty is to coordinate PvE events monthly, to include scheduling of events on the calendar, organizing and running the event as well as upkeep of the paperwork for personnel tracking purposes. Event outcomes should be posted on the RBW Calender under the event once it is completed.
Sergeant First Class (SFC)This is the highest enlisted rank possible to attain by one's own merits in one's company. A SFC should be well-versed in the game that they play and be a subject knowledge expert. To attain any higher, a SFC must present an astounding image to the guild as a whole.A Sergeant First Class in good standing may be promoted to Sergeant Major 180 days after their date of rank. At the Company Commander's discretion time may be extended or shortened in this rank due to merit.
[1st]1st Membership AwardAWARD: 1st Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for one year of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[2nd]2nd Membership AwardAWARD: 2nd Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for two years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[3rd]3rd Membership AwardAWARD: 3rd Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for three years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[*]Achievement MedalAWARD: Achievement Medal
DESCRIPTION: This award is presented by an officer or NCO to a member that has performed a specific task above and beyond the specifications laid out.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: This award is for doing a single task well, not an ongoing effort to improve the overall company.
[4th]4th Membership AwardAWARD: 4th Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for four years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[EMA]Elevnar Master AwardGiven to any member that exceeds over 300K city score in Elevnar while a member of the guild
[EBA]Elevnar Build AwardGiven to a member that exceeds 200K city score in Elevnar while a member of the watch.
[ECA]Elvenar Commander AwardGiven to any member that exceeds 100K city score in Elevnar while a member of the guild
[EWA]Elevnar Warrior AwardGiven to any member that exceeds 20K for a city score while in the guild
[EHA]Elvenar Helper AwardGiven to the member that has the highest score for the last 90 days in Elevnar. This is taken by the GM in-game and awarded. This is the overall summation of the scores that are put out on the weekly report.
[5VRA]5 Year Veteran Recognition AwardAWARD: 5 Year Service Recognition Medal
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded to a member in honor of their five years of membership in, and dedicated service to the Royal Black Watch Regiment.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Five years service to the Royal Black Watch Regiment.
[CA]Commendation AwardAWARD: Commendation Medal
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to members for quarterly conduct above and beyond the normal call of duty.
TIME FRAME: To be awarded to one member per Game on a quarterly basis.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: This award is for company improvement (something that benefits only the company, not the entire guild).
[GCM]Good Conduct MedalAWARD: Good Conduct Medal
DESCRIPTION: This award is awarded to the member(s) each year whose conduct reflects well upon the guild as a whole. Awarded in December.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Awarded to the company member who has best exemplified the best conduct of a watcher in the lands.