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Bellatrickxs - alternate of WickedDragon
- Jim Williams (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil)
Group: Active Guild Members
Alternate Of: WickedDragon
Role: Officer
Game: Albion Online
- No biography supplied -
Neverwinter Albion Online World of Warships
[1st] [2nd] [AA] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] * [*] * [*] [*] [*] *
Active Guild MembersThis is the main roster of the Watch listing all members who are active and do not have a special assignment.
[1st]1st Membership AwardAWARD: 1st Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for one year of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[2nd]2nd Membership AwardAWARD: 2nd Membership Award
DESCRIPTION: This is a regimental medal, awarded for two years of membership in the Royal Black Watch.
AWARD AUTHORITY: RCO, DCO and Wardens, Adjutant, PAC Officer.
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing officer based on the member's roster join date.
[AA]WoWs Anchors AwayAWARD: Anchors Away
DESCRIPTION: Participate in 500 Separate engagements. Must be in a Random Battle, CO-OP battles do not count towards this award.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens Awardable only once
JUSTIFICATION: Awardable by confirmation of screenshot.
CATEGORY: World of Warships
[*]WoWs Solo WarriorAWARD: Solo Warrior
DESCRIPTION: Survive and win a match as the lone ship vs. 4 or more enemies.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: A screenshot of player achievement needs to be submitted to verify . Award-able only once
CATEGORY: World of Warships
[*]NW Apprentice Crafter AwardAWARD: NW Apprentice Crafter Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member of Royal Black Watch who sucessfully gets one crafting expertise to Master Level 25.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by Company Officer
[*]NW Adept Crafter AwardAWARD: NW Adept Crafter Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to any member of Royal Black Watch who sucessfully gets five (5) crafting expertise to Master Level 25.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by Game Officer
[*]NW Squire Of Neverwinter (Retired)AWARD: NWN Level 30 award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to all members who had one character reach level 30.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
[*]NW Lord/Lady Of Neverwinter (Retired)AWARD: Neverwinter Level 70 Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to all members for their first character that reached level 70 in game.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
NW PVP Initiate AwardAWARD: NW PVP Initiate Award
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member upon successful completion of one (1) of the 3 PVP trees listed in the campaign., which gains the reward.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
[*]NW Twisted Nether of TiamatAWARD: Twisted Nether of Tiamat
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member upon successful completion of the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign. Screenshots must be submitted to the below listed personnel to receive award.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
NW Master of The MazeAWARD: Master of The Maze
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member upon successful completion of the Maze Engine Campaign. Screenshots must be submitted to the below listed personnel to receive award.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
[*]NW Baron/Baroness Of NeverwinterAWARD: NW Baron/Baroness Of Neverwinter
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member upon successful attainment of 2000 Item Level. Verification can be done in-game by an officer inspecting each member.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
[*]NW Viscount/Viscountess Of NeverwinterAWARD: NW Viscount/Viscountess Of Neverwinter
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member upon successful attainment of 2500 Item Level. Verification can be done in-game by an officer inspecting each member.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
[*]NW Earl/Countess Of NeverwinterAWARD: NW Earl/Countess Of Neverwinter
DESCRIPTION: Awarded to a member upon successful attainment of 3000 Item Level. Verification can be done in-game by an officer inspecting each member.
AWARD AUTHORITY: All Game Officers, RCO, DCO and Wardens
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer
NW Supply Sergeant(Retired)AWARD: Neverwinter Underdark Campaign
DESCRIPTION: Complete the Gather Stronghold Supplies box achievement
AWARD AUTHORITY: Company Commander,Company XO,Company 1SG,Company MSG,Company Officer
JUSTIFICATION: Verification by issuing Officer